目前我們正在積極培育的王者蜥有以下數種:湯瑪士王者蜥 〈Uromastyx Thomasi〉、皇室王者蜥〈Uromastyx Princeps〉、彩虹賓士王者蜥〈Uromastyx Yemenesis 〝Benti〞〉、藍華麗王者蜥〈Uromastyx Philbyi〉、華麗王者蜥〈Uromastyx Ornata〉、橫帶王者蜥〈Uromastyx Flavifasciata〉、埃及王者蜥〈Uromastyx Aegyptius〉、尼日王者蜥〈Uromastyx Geyri〉以及摩洛哥王者蜥〈Uromastyx Acanthinurus〉。
Uromastyx - have a quite tender and smart character as a pet instead of the traditional thinking "reptiles". Most of them give you the reaction while feeding and playing with but amazingly they rare bite or let's say never try to bite even in a threaten situation. This will be the lizard that I'll suggest to everyone who like to get understand reptiles further more. With a good care, they could live for a long time and provide you the different interaction compare to other lizards making you feel the connection in between.
- BY Uro Farm
- BY Uro Farm

- BY Uro Farm
- BY Uro Farm
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Acanthinurus 摩洛哥

綠色與橘色十字紋分佈的摩洛哥〝The Green color Acanthinurus compare to the orange cross band. Both are beautiful.

不同顏色型態的橘色個體。Different orange color form. Some with more light color and spot.

U. Acanthinurus 摩洛哥王者蜥 (北非王者蜥)
來自北非的王者蜥,體態屬於中型的王者蜥蜴,分布的範圍在西部大阿拉伯利比亞民眾國,突尼斯,阿爾及利亞北部摩洛哥和西撒哈拉北部都有記錄發現,目前被列入為CITES 2 附錄中。摩洛哥大多生活在1000公尺海拔以下的地方,部分區域也有到達2000公尺以上,故日夜間的溫差變化可以略猜一二。摩洛哥王者蜥的壽命很長野外可以達到20年,而人工養育的可以長達25年之久,是一個極好的夥伴。
Luckily we have several coolr forms of Uromastyx Acanthinurus. This is one of the species of Uromastyx that we think require more higher temperature than others. They will act and show the light color in a higher environment temperature. The yellow green color form is the most popular form that we could see in the market. Around 10% you could found the Orange to Red color forms Acanthinurus. The bright orange color is really amazing, it could even grow to the color close to red. But this form is still not much in the market.
We've 20s more heads on the breeding project now. Meanwhile, also got another 10 orange form for that project. Hope to get some result in the following years.

Like the picture shows, there are many color forms of the U. Acanthinurus. from light yellow, green, to orange and even close to red color. Besides, they require the temperature is higher than other Uromastyx. If you could provide a right temperature in your enclosure, they will also display in a nice color condition.
Like the picture shows, there are many color forms of the U. Acanthinurus. from light yellow, green, to orange and even close to red color. Besides, they require the temperature is higher than other Uromastyx. If you could provide a right temperature in your enclosure, they will also display in a nice color condition.
The green color form is always stunning while you keep him in a good condition. Meanwhile, no matter Male or Female. They all have color on their present.
The green color form is always stunning while you keep him in a good condition. Meanwhile, no matter Male or Female. They all have color on their present.

An easy environment setup can make your Uromastyx Acanthinurus feel happy. Just use some sands, woods and rocks to make a home for them !

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Ornata 華麗


This female U. Ornata has a great color on the presenting, with red color and yellow dot. Meanwhile face is also full with the marriage color. We've few of the female got this color form. Hope to get a great result with them.
This female U. Ornata has a great color on the presenting, with red color and yellow dot. Meanwhile face is also full with the marriage color. We've few of the female got this color form. Hope to get a great result with them.

See the amazing red marriage color. But this kind of color present on a U. Ornata female is very rare.

The light color ones. Still very attractive. But we can't tell it's sex, cause it might happen this is another female with the color. And after see many females, we believe nothing is impossible. So, wait till it mated or laid.
U. Ornata 華麗王者蜥
華麗王者蜥 Uromastyx ornata 是目前已知 17 種刺尾蜥屬 Uromastyx spp.中的一個物種, 目前也是跟其他的王者蜥同樣列於 CITES 附錄 II 中。華麗王者蜥的分佈是在埃及 (西奈半島)以及以色列、沙烏地阿拉伯和葉門等等地方都有發現牠的族群蹤影。
Uromastyx Ornata is one of the lizards that we are more focusing on. This species can be found in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. The size of them around 30~37 cm, can be a bit larger while in captive environment. We've 20s more Ornatas as the breeding group. And keep them in 3 different color line of the male. From Green, Blue to the Red in back, some female also have the red spots on the back.
If you want to keep a Uromastyx Ornata, remember to build your environment first. And then you could try separate them individually until they are acting and eating well. Then you could put in couple or trio in proper enclosure. To provide a hide place is also important for them to reduce the stress. Lots of the Uromastyx die in stress situation without the owner notice. The dehydration will also come with the stress and non proper temperature for them.
After you successful provide them the environment. They can start to breed in the spring time with 8~15 eggs depends on the maturity. The new hatched babe, you could keep them in an enclosure with right temperature but don't put the light/heal resource to close to the spot. Meanwhile, the substrate can use the kraft paper or other papers with slightly misted in a corner to keep the humidity. After half year, you could then move them to the environment just like your elder ones.

This is one of our green color form. But just few of them have the full green without light blue or other color.
This is one of our green color form. But just few of them have the full green without light blue or other color.
This is the blue color form of our Ornata. He is already 3 years old. We are currently working on this form via 2 breeding groups.
This is the blue color form of our Ornata. He is already 3 years old. We are currently working on this form via 2 breeding groups.

* The distribution of U. Ornata & U. Aegyptius

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Philbyi 藍華麗

The male have different level blue color. Some with light blue.

Female's color is lighter than the male.
Female's color is lighter than the male.

U. Philbyi 藍華麗王者蜥
一種分布在西部阿拉伯山麓以及以色列的一種王者蜥,目前也可以說是華麗王者蜥的其中一種分出來的型態,Uromastyx Ornata 以及 Uromastyx Ornata Philbyi 所以台灣根據他的顏色直接區分成藍華麗王者蜥。藍華麗王者蜥在市場上的流動率以王者蜥當中算是相對而言較低的,直至最近歐洲也才有部分的合法進口的Philbyi。
Uromastyx Philbyi, it's distribution is in the western Arabian foothills and Israel. It's silimiar to the Uromastyx Ornata. And used to be said, Uromastyx Ornata Philbyi. Philbyi number in the market is relatively low qty, until recently Europe just get the first legally imported Philbyi. Therefore, it's still not that much among the breeders. Hope to see more captive breeding young in the market.
In general, Philbyi's sex is very easily identified, the more mature the body color performance of the male will become more obvious and more strong. This is also one of the interesting point that we love them. But they takes about 2 to 3 years to reach maturity, this slightly longer than the average; mature male have more gorgeous blue color.
Breeding Philbyi is slightly difficult than others, generally in the Spring time when warmer weather in April, the male will have the courtship behavior, courtship and chased around the female and in mating male will bite on the back neck of the female, after about 2 months the female will lay 5 to 12 eggs depends on the mature level. You could provide a hiding boxes with some substrate in the environment as the female breeding place. The eggs need to put into an incubator with 31'C, humidity 75 to 90 percent. And the hatch period ranging from 70 to 90 days.
About their diet, we're feeding greens as the main diet with some seeds/flowers occasionally.They are also very interested in the green beans and a variety of seeds, because their staple food in the field is the stems and leaves and seeds of the plant-based. While the rearing environment of the substrate layout, you can refer to the recommendations described below.
Breeding Philbyi is slightly difficult than others, generally in the Spring time when warmer weather in April, the male will have the courtship behavior, courtship and chased around the female and in mating male will bite on the back neck of the female, after about 2 months the female will lay 5 to 12 eggs depends on the mature level. You could provide a hiding boxes with some substrate in the environment as the female breeding place. The eggs need to put into an incubator with 31'C, humidity 75 to 90 percent. And the hatch period ranging from 70 to 90 days.
About their diet, we're feeding greens as the main diet with some seeds/flowers occasionally.They are also very interested in the green beans and a variety of seeds, because their staple food in the field is the stems and leaves and seeds of the plant-based. While the rearing environment of the substrate layout, you can refer to the recommendations described below.

The Female U. Philbyi can be easily tell from the color compare to male. Meanwhile it could also be easy to identify the difference between Ornata female from the spot on back, tails.
The Female U. Philbyi can be easily tell from the color compare to male. Meanwhile it could also be easy to identify the difference between Ornata female from the spot on back, tails.

Uromastyx Philbyi is still not popular among the Uromastyx breeders. Since they are not common in the market and often with bad the Male/Female ratio. Till recently (early 2012) there is first legale import to Europ by the expert in Swiss. And hope there will be more and more Captive-Breed ones in the market and let people know this beautiful animal.

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Yemenesis 彩虹賓士

U. yemenesis (Benti) 賓士王者蜥
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Geyri 尼日

The Male Geyri usually have the colorful belly with the stripes, and female is often with lighter color in bally with the spot instead of the stripe.
The Male Geyri usually have the colorful belly with the stripes, and female is often with lighter color in bally with the spot instead of the stripe.

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U. Geyri 尼日王者蜥
U. Geyri in the Uromastyx family can be regarded as a relatively small species, the tail slender, average length of adult is about 30 ~ 34cm. U. Geyri's distribution is among the southern Algeria to the eastern Mali and the north-central Niger. They were be found in the rocky, full of gravel semi-desert region, and have been found from an altitude of 500 ~ 2000M place.
U. Geyri's body color, could be divideded into orange or yellow with spotted, and the color of the entire body can be distributed with bright light orange/ red to yellow, including the belly. Usually we call them by the different color as (yellow) Geyri or (red) Geyri. Male and Female of Geyri can roughly tell by the distinction between individual color. General male have the brighter color than female. And the belly of female don't have the pattern of stripe, instead of they have the spots with lighter color belly. This would be an easy of the mother, abdomen similar to freckles like spots or lighter stripes, which is easy to distinguish the characteristics.
U. Geyri in the Uromastyx family can be regarded as a relatively small species, the tail slender, average length of adult is about 30 ~ 34cm. U. Geyri's distribution is among the southern Algeria to the eastern Mali and the north-central Niger. They were be found in the rocky, full of gravel semi-desert region, and have been found from an altitude of 500 ~ 2000M place.
U. Geyri's body color, could be divideded into orange or yellow with spotted, and the color of the entire body can be distributed with bright light orange/ red to yellow, including the belly. Usually we call them by the different color as (yellow) Geyri or (red) Geyri. Male and Female of Geyri can roughly tell by the distinction between individual color. General male have the brighter color than female. And the belly of female don't have the pattern of stripe, instead of they have the spots with lighter color belly. This would be an easy of the mother, abdomen similar to freckles like spots or lighter stripes, which is easy to distinguish the characteristics.

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Aegyptius 埃及

Aegyptius 埃及王者蜥
The global distribution of U. aegyptia includes Sudan, Egypt (including the Sinai Peninsula), Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and Iraq. The species’
range in Israel (see map on page 4) includes: the eastern Judean Desert (Nahal Hever alluvial fan), the Arava Valley, and the central and sou- thern Negev Desert (Bouskila & Amitai, 2001). An isolated population, in the western Negev Desert, is separated from all other populations in Israel by the unsuitable area of the Negev highlands. This small population is thus connected only to other conspecific populations across the border in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. The total area of the species’ habitat in Israel is approx. 4,000 km2, but much of this is mar- ginal habitat with few individuals.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Flavifasciata 橫帶


U. Flavifasciata 橫帶王者蜥
Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata 橫帶王者蜥,長久以來被認為是在dispar 三型中的一種亞種型,也可稱為U. Flavifasciata。U. Dispar 分布在茅利塔尼亞,蘇丹,查德的山區特別以北蘇丹為主。而其中的Flavifasciata橫帶王者蜥,則是分布在西撒哈拉以南,阿爾及利亞西南以及茅利塔尼亞及塞內加爾等地。
The Uromastyx Dispar Flavifasciata have a variety of patterns. They are one of the U. Dispar family distributed at North west Mauritania, Western Sahara and south Algeria and its different from U. Dispar Dispar which located at Chad, Suden. Right now there are always Flavifasciata and Mali selling in the market. However, it's important for you to tell the different between them. Normally you could check the pattern on the back, Flavi. usually have the spotted band crossed like ladder, but mali normally link as a stripe. Meanwhile Flavi. usually have patterns on their belly. And the adult normally have the white band on the back which Mali won't have.
We've many different pattern forms Flavifasciata are in breeding project now. Including the Black samurai (Pure black), Camel color, …etc. We'll not suggest that you mixed up to cross breed with other species Uromastyx. Which may cause some problem though you could see some special patterns in the wild or breed by human.
Last but not the least, in our experience, they love beans and seeds more than the green vegetable. You need more time to train them to adapt into the diet that you have prepare for them. But remember to provide as much different type greens as possible for them.

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Uromastyx Flavifasciata could have many kinds pattern on their present. Normally with spots as a band. Therefore, we also call him Banded Uromastyx.
Uromastyx Flavifasciata could have many kinds pattern on their present. Normally with spots as a band. Therefore, we also call him Banded Uromastyx.

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Thomasi 湯瑪士